I never did jam, but I was always very curious to have them, and then I could not resist to make my favorite Quince: This recipe is from my dear Aunt Emily that makes them always very happy. Thanks Zia!

sugar water sterilized jars

good for the quinces, cut into small pieces leaving the skin by removing only the central part.
Place in a saucepan covered with water, and cook for about 1 hour, until to when you can pierce with a fork.
Then go all with the mill and so you get a puree of quince.
Now you have to weigh the mashed potatoes, and I to 2 kg of apple sauce I make good use of 1 kg of sugar.
Put in a casserole applesauce with sugar, and cook over low heat for about 1 hour stirring often. When the marmalade Quinces
reaches the right consistency, pour into jars and seal tightly.

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