Manuals Parts Cleaning and silencers
As written, the problem is perhaps more significant that my motorcycle today, is the lack of the bottom of the silencer. I tried searching with little success at all sites dedicated to JAWA selling spare parts. Then in the forum JAWA ITALY gave me a solution as simple as, then, right: pull back the second muffler to do with it and use it as a template to make a new one from a blacksmith.
a public message forum JAWA ITALY Luca kindly sent me, explaining how to clean up and fix the silence of my JAWA 634 / 5:
To remove the soul, which would exhaust itself, you first need to unscrew the small screw case back with the appropriate side and then s
the boot and then pulls on the tube ( about 15 cm long) attached (one piece with the back). At this point the soul is libera.Il diffile now and grab this book Jawa estrarla.Secondo it would present a tool apposito.Hai pinzon long that is used to the wood-burning fireplaces? It 's very similar to quella.Dubito you will have a, so, if you do not manage to get the thing you can do, and that I have done is remove all the exhaust pipe and it fall out by gravity. However, it is as you have suggested, the soul is in place because it is centered on the bottom of the tube on one side and pushed against the opposite side of the bottleneck has silenziatori.Non screws or other fasteners like. For cleaning you may wish to remove the larger pieces of sludge with a screwdriver. For the rest can burn in an oven (as I did) and they are perfect, or leave them to soak in a liquid sgrassante.Dopodiche you better make them clean and give it a good spray painted with anti-heat that preserves dall'arrugginire ( when you clean the Anointed One, you'll see that almost certainly are rusty).
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