Thursday, April 15, 2010

Vodafone Cost Of Sim Prepaid

tortas fritas

Dear Friends I'm back!
I was a bit of time off, I went to visit my family in Buenos Aires, and even there we messed up with my dear Aunt Grace and my Mom.
A rainy Sunday we prepared las tortas fritas, delicious that I photographed just not to forget this moment. It was so long that he does not eat, they were very good and served with a mate, together we spent a memorable Sunday.
1 kg flour (we used LEUDANTE Harini)
1 egg 1 / 2 cup of olive oil or lard.
DC 2 x frying oil salt
water cb
Mix all ingredients quickly. Do with the mass of small balls, and roll with a rolling pin making a small hole in the centro.In a pan heat oil, then fry las Tortas Fritas until golden. Serve hot and enjoy!!


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