When you buy the weekly shopping is always 3 or 4 bags to put in various living and purchasing. The same bags are then used to clutter up the cabinet under the kitchen sink.
Once we went to market with trash bags and so were not thrown away, clogging is not home and not pollute. Fortunately, someone begins to notice and start to be produced bags of corn starch or other polymers are less harmful plastic. In addition, the municipality of Turin in 2010 will give each family a bag of his canvas bag to facilitate the mentality of U & G. Since December 2010 it has established a European directive that the plastic bag will no longer exist.
And so we return to the canvas or the shopping cart. We save so do not buy the bag and more particularly, no pollution.
Here is a great site on the subject where there is also a tutorial on how to make a bag by itself for the expenditure:
Unfortunately I have not tried the directions because they are full of canvas bags:)
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