Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Closets And Hidden Storage

Italian minister Asks wide strong preventive action

December 19, 2010 (10/19/2010 mv)

Italian minister calls for broad and strong preventive action

European countries may find themselves confined to a Member State where it is applied "wide and decisive preventive action" in the case of demonstrations. Today, the Italian Minister Maurizio Gasparri, a member of the former Socialist-led government PDL-Northern League, has talked about 'arrests' saying that' there is a wide and decisive preventive action. " As one might imagine, the Gasparri Minister made this statement after some groups have committed acts of violence during the latest protests in Rome. However, whereas an ex-socialist was the founder of Italian Fascism (and Gasparri is a former member of the Italian Social Movement), the European states should consider the proposal very carefully Gasparri.

(Source: The Gazzettino)


December 19, 2010 (19/10/2010 m.v.)

Italian minister asks wide strong preventive action

European countries may find themselves bordering with a member State where «wide and strong preventive action» is carried out in case of demonstrations. Today, Italian Minister Maurizio Gasparri, member of the ex-socialist-led PdL-Northern League government, has mentioned «arrests» saying that «here a wide and strong preventive action is necessary». As it was to be expected, Minister Gasparri made this point after some groups committed acts of violence during the last protests in Rome. However, considering that an ex-socialist was also the founder of Italian fascism (and that Mr. Gasparri is a former member of Italian Social Movement), European States Should Mr. Gasparri's Proposal Carefully take into consideration.

(source: The Gazzettino)


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