Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Triple Pelvic Operation

Bundt carrot

Kerin is now in the kitchen, a big fan of Benedetta Parodi cooked and eaten.
It prepares us so much pleasure with this delicious bundt carrot.
300 gr flour 300 gr grated carrots
150 g sugar 3 eggs
1 cup vegetable oil 1 tablespoon bread
Powdered sugar
First, chop the carrots or pass them in the Mixer. In a bowl mix eggs with sugar and add the carrots. Then add the oil a gradually and finally the flour Set us angels with bread.
Pour the mixture into a cake ring, previously buttered and floured.
put in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 25 minutes. (To taste sprinkle with icing sugar)

Kerin I must say that was pretty good all by itself, is very pleased to work together kitchen and see how he enjoys messing !!!!!!! Very good !!!!!!!!!


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