Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Pinnacle Pctv 110i Tv Center

Go to Montenegro to study the history of the Republic of San Marco

CONCERNS AN ITEM IN THE TITLE SHOT in large letters in which the aassessore criticizes the culture of the province of Padua, an innocent calendars have been printed for distribution in schools aimed at enhancing the values \u200b\u200band traditions of Veneto. did not appear obviously on May 1 and April 25 talk is just as the Feast of San Marco. an abomination, of course.

To read the article by Filippo Tosato, on the Venetian calendar printed by the Province of Padua, free holiday of May Day and April 25 (the latter only as underlined Day St. Mark's) it seems that the commissioner for culture of that has abolished the "motu proprio" the two national holidays. This leads us to think about the title shot in huge letters. Instead of course not, reassures the whole Italian people, these holidays are always respected and will continue to be banned as a result of exposure banner march on the anniversary of Liberation Day, as on this date can only display the flag. That does not seem a good thing for a democratic country that is said.
To me it seems normal for a calendar intended to raise awareness and promote the traditions and culture of our "people of Veneto" (I use the quotation marks of the article, which appears to have serious doubts on this definition, despite 3000 years of history, sometimes grandiose, the Veneti) did not include those dates, not being part of our millenary tradition, but of recent Italian history . I would say that you can blame (I speak from the point of view of the large fringe region's autonomy) to the League of Veneto what some caution in the defense of values \u200b\u200band tradition we own. On March 25, has become a national holiday of the Venetians with Zaia, but always, or rather, until 1797, when the end of the Venetian Republic independence, our national holiday was the day of St. Mark. Today, even in church, usually avoids remember, in a homily delivered during the festivities, the occasion, maybe just reading a passage from the Gospel of Mark, who commands us not to regret in Rome. Parades and ceremonies in honor of the anniversary are prohibited and this seems to many like a Venetian abuse. I also realize that it is difficult to understand, right and left agree that refusal, and also for this lack of dialogue and sensitivity to values \u200b\u200band history of our nation (without quotation marks), will continue to lose votes and will be allocated to downsize even more. Someone please explain why the Friuli is recognized administrative autonomy, right to the use of their language in official documents, and to the Venetians who for years calling for equal treatment, no. Someone explain that to the Venetians as possible on the coasts of Montenegro (former Venetian rule) are mandatory in school five hours devoted to the history of the Republic of San Marco, while here it is almost totally ignored. Thanks for any unlikely
Millo Bozzolan


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