Thursday, January 4, 2007

Doujin-moe Account Free

Rai Bolzano

Italian television program of the See of Bolzano?

Rai di Bolzano Italian also broadcasts a program, but it seems to be made not just for (to) be. Analisi e proposte.

"The TV programs in Italian, more space grant" , which is one of three views by the National Council of the Italian culture Luigi Cigolla regarding the television program in Italian (hopefully in the publicly- legal RAI), which he in a kind of interview ( In South - has expressed Issue 1, January 4, 2007, S14). was also in the Italian-speaking South Tyrol Alto Adige newspaper on 4 January, the Italian program of RAI Bolzano, in the analysis of the book from the RAI journalist Lucio Giudiceandrea on Italiener die in Südtirol (S36, Signatur: ga), zitiert: ... No mention however that the role of Rai continues to spread radio and local TV news in a condominium with Trent, for whom the information "Italian" is reduced to miserable 10 minutes for each edition and each province, forcing Bolzano to compromise on services already packaged German by the editors, though relevant to a better mutual understanding, with similar sacrifice for the Trentino. Another unresolved political issue for "political myopia". fact is that the main problems affecting the See of Bolzano South Tyrol and prevent public broadcaster set himself up as the main speaker of culture in Province are two: one is the general lack of space and time for programming at absurd, the other is an obligation to share their information space with the editorial staff of Trent. And in regard of what the positions are always two: a newsletter Bolzano wants independent, but Trent wants to remain linked to the nearby South Tyrol, these positions are shared by the two editors as much by the entitled re the two provinces: the Alto Adige / Italian-speaking South Tyrol are wondering what the meaning of broadcast news in Trentino South Tyrol, Trentino while watching with interest what happens over Salorno. The autonomy that makes the two autonomous provinces of quasi-regions (autonomous) means that the identified challenges are different.

However, the most important issue should be that of programming at two hours per month, from 09:45 to 10:45 on Sunday mornings twice a month. Often the program skips from sporting events. The office in Bolzano transmits it on the frequencies of Rai Tre and not the fourth goal as the Sender Bozen and TV Ladina. The two Sundays of the month is not occupied by programming are occupied by Bolzano Trento. It would no doubt be more reasonable to fix the pro gramming Italian Bolzano to 18:00 or 20:50 on the frequencies of the Sender Bozen, as There are no programs at that time (broadcast on Rai Tre prevent programming to follow the national program, which led to protests as happened with the regional radio program that interrupts the National Radio2). And in times of hardship we can not wait for the Italian RAI give the structure a news channel (and radio) and a significant increase in self-programming in Italian, as the regional planning in Italian is not provided by any agreement between the public broadcasting company and the Council of Ministers (the only South Tyrol, Trentino, Friuli-Venezia Giulia / Furlanija-Julian Krajina / Friuli-Vignes Julie / Friaul-Julisch Venetien and Valle d'Aosta / Vallée d'Aoste can manage its programming in Italian). Change showtimes no cost and allow more citizens to native Italian speakers who do not know (for various reasons) the second language to get closer to their autonomy and Earth time could also allow the transmission of debate (a Pro und Contra or Am Tisch runden in Italian), youth (or as Klick Treff ) or satire (there might be Franz & Bepi instead Sanin & Prantl), and may (should) be the space for a German course. All this of course in completion of the programming in Italian.

Landeshauptmann Luis Durnwalder On December 28 he met the director general of RAI, Claudio Cappon and at the meeting stressed inter alia, a strengthening of the programming of the entire site, with regard to minority Ladin. The broadcasts are currently Ladin in fact only 3.83% of the programming of the seat against a consistency of 4.37% Ladin linguistic group. The pro programming in Italian corresponds to 19.28% of the See of Bolzano, the Italian speakers are 26.47%, however, must take into account that the three national Rai transmit complete in Italian, including the national and international news, which is condensed on the Sender Bozen (while on TV Ladina is not expected). However, the news broadcast of 19:35 in provincial autonomy and be separated from the management of programming weekly increasing to four times a month will approach a very good chance many South Tyrol to their land. Landeshauptmann Durnwalder hat mit dem RAI-Generaldirektor Cappon auch über die Redaktion ladinische diskutiert: die derzeit ist Teil der Redaktion ladinische italienischsprachigen Struktur, aber sie lift eigenständig werden. Der hat auch dem Landeshauptmann Generaldirektor erklärt, dass alles in Bozen dreisprachig erarbeitet werden muss. Bald RAI-day lift Kovention mit dem Ministerrat erneuert werden. The Landeshauptmann also increasingly clear that the RAI Bolzano must always operate in three languages \u200b\u200band has cited the trilingualism also referring to the agreement between RAI and the Council of Ministers (source: ). Finally it is hoped that the site of RAI Bolzano be reactivated soon.

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

What Is Uretero-vesical Junction Stone?


A new blog from South Tyrol • Ein neues Blog aus Südtirol

Griaßt enk, welcome!

By now there are many blogs about the South Tyrol (Alto Adige) and its many aspects and issues that arise therein. The year then begins again with the emergence of this new blog, a multilingual space as possible with the aim of demonstrating that there are people in the South Tyrol native Italian who declare themselves "South Tyrol" and the living situation and the local autonomist trilingualism ( German, Italian, Ladin) as an added value, and indeed, a positive sign of distinction. Every post that is placed will not see ethnic controversy: the responsibility for the shortcomings of a group need not be the fault of the other, as well as the media are often imply. My hope is that this blog will be useful, since the blog is one of the few opportunities for ordinary citizens far sentire la propria voce Tues.

This is a new blog that is written by a South Tyrolean. South Tyrol is a diverse country, where three different ethnic groups live (together). Today South Tyrol has become a country of immigration. A multilingual open blog that tells Tyrol in every respect, the objective of this website. South Tyrol's three ethnic groups living in the same country and they have the same problems. But there are mass media in South Tyrol, the exploited, each ethnic problem: This is the website of an Italian-speaking South Tyrol, the object to the use of insulting word "discount degli Italiani" ( The discomfort of the Italian-speaking South Tyrol or better - in this case - of Italians in South Tyrol ) is. More often, the "discount" only a social malaise that is placed under virtual ethnic aspect. In this blog, all South Tyrolean communities (German, Italian and Ladin-speaking South Tyrol) respects and is open to all.

Chest ie n te de blog trata de plu rujenedes che che Sudtirol y uel rujené duc de sota i Sudtirol problems yi cun ASPEC respet de la duta etnies de Chesta Nosta region.

South Tyrol is a magic country of mountains, valleys and picturesque towns. In this region between Italy and Austria three ethnic groups live together: German-speakers, Italian-speakers and Ladin-speakers. South Tyrol is famous for being the richest region in Italy. This blog has been created for all the people who are interested in South Tyrol. This space is multilingual and open to everyone. Policy of this blog is to have regard of all the ethnic groups of South Tyrol. This space doesn't attack the other ethnic group for problems that have no ethnicity reasons.

Ceci est un blog sur le Tyrol du Sud, une région multilingue où on y parle trois langues: l'Allemand, l'Italien et le Ladin, une langue rhéto-romane proche du romanche parlé en Suisse. Ce blog it is against ethnic discrimination and is open to all.